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  • I work with dance schools as well as individuals. I have given workshops at dance schools all over the United States and in London, England.

    Group workshops in schools give me the opportunity to meet larger numbers of dancers and to have an impact through their trusted training environment.

    One-on-one coaching is where the magic really happens though: my Wellness Principles aren’t quick fixes that can be assimilated in one session: they require time and engagement which is one reason why I love working privately in ongoing programs. It gives dancers a chance to really get into the material while having someone to ask questions of and get support from as they go.

    My private clients are from all over the U.S. and abroad. Some dancers are at big, elite training schools and others dance in their hometown studios. They all share a passion for dancing and excellence as well as a desire to be balanced, healthy people.

    I have worked primarily with mothers (and a few dads!) and their dancing daughters (and a few sons!). The mothers are highly supportive of their dancers, as well as committed to keeping them as healthy and balanced as possible. Some of them come to me with questions about what to feed their dancer or to get another point of view on their training environment.

    Their dancers are passionate about dance, often thinking about pursuing it as a career, and ready for mentorship. Sometimes they’re the ones who have sought me out, either through a school-based workshop or online. They often have something specific in mind that they’d like to work on, like improving their diet or wanting to be more confident in their dancing. 

  • My unique experience makes me a different type of coach: not only was I a professional dancer, which is an experience you really have to live in order to “get it,” but also, I went to college and had that secondary education experience which so many parents are eager for their children to have.

    I’m also unlike dance coaches in that my success is not wrapped up in getting your dancer to be a professional or to win competitions. I am completely committed to supporting your dancer in achieving health and happiness in whatever form that may end up taking for them. I pride myself on putting the dancer first: if their needs and desires change as we’re working together, I am right there with them. It’s important to me that they have a positive, affirming experience dancing, and I’m here to make sure they’re in a training environment where that is possible.

    I don’t believe you have to choose between dance and academics, you just have to be flexible with your timeline and expectations. I also believe that you can do anything you want with your dance training: the dancers I have coached are among the brightest, most insightful and motivated people I’ve ever met. They are all doing great things with their lives.

  • I work best with dancers who enjoy talking on the phone, who are open to trying new ideas and pathways to success, and who enjoy sharing what’s going on with them. The dancers who get the most out of working with me are those who can set aside a little bit of time and mental energy every week not only for our phone sessions but also to contemplate some of the things we have talked about. Dancers who view the program as an integral part of their success flourish with me.

    My expectations are that our phone sessions are kept as scheduled (except with advance notice) and that parents and dancers keep me in the loop about auditions, performances, injuries, etc. This is so that I can do my best work with your dancer. Coaching is really a process: consistency is key, even when it feels like nothing new is going on. That’s often the best time to dig into some new work!

  • My Signature Program is a six-month program with private coaching and other fabulous goodies. All details are shared during our Discovery Session, which you can book here.

  • I offer a limited number of coaching programs. Please click here to read more and to find out which program is right for you and your dancer.

  • The best way to get started is to schedule a Discovery Session with me. This is a 45-60 minute phone call in which we get to know each other a bit: you tell me what challenges you and your dancer are facing and I can evaluate if I’m the best person for you. It can be helpful to either have your child on the phone at the same time or have him/her speak with me afterward, so we can get a sense of each other as well. Please click here to schedule your Discovery Session.

  • The best way to get a sense of my work is to subscribe to my monthly e-newsletter. I often use issues I’ve worked on with clients as a springboard for these newsletter topics. The sign-up form is at the bottom of this page or you can click here.

    You can also explore my blog for an extensive library of all of the topics I have addressed with clients and schools — past and current.

  • Absolutely! I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to email me here.